Hildegard von Bingen — A Modern Reveal: Songs and Stories of Women Composers

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Hildegard von Bingen

Born: 1098, Bermersheim vor der Höhe, Holy Roman Empire
Died: 17 September 1179, Bingen am Rhein, Holy Roman Empire



Hildegard of Bingen was a Medieval composer, poet, and saint born into the nobility of Rheinhessen in 1098. She was the tenth child in her family and was therefore tithed to the church. When she was 14 years old, she was sent to the monastery at Disibodenberg where she prayed daily, had one meal per day, and only had access to the outside world through the view of a single window.


In 1150, Hildegard founded her own convent where she lived until her death in 1179. She often communicated with popes and emperors and was involved in politics and diplomacy during a time of conflict in her region. She also preached throughout Germany.

Hildegard was famous for her prophecies and miracles. She wrote religious poems and prose, which were the result of her visions. These were set to music beginning in the 1140s. The texts contain striking imagery and are extremely imaginative. Most of her music was written for liturgical purposes and many pieces were dedicated to local saints. Her composition Ordo virtutum (c. 1151), is the oldest surviving music drama not written for church use.

Hildegard’s most important works include Ordo virtutum, 43 antiphons, 18 responsories, as well as sequences, hymns, and chants. It is unknown whether her compositions were performed outside of her convent. Even hundreds of years later, many of her works are still available today.


The following selections are recommended for vocal study and programming on recitals and concerts. Please note that this list may not constitute the entirety of the composer's output. 


I. Songs to God the Father and God the Son

  1. O vis eternitatis (Responsory for the Creator, R 466ra: “O power within Eternity”)

  2. O virtus Sapientie (Votive antiphon for Divine Wisdom, R 466rb: “O Wisdom’s energy!”)

  3. O quam mirabilis est (Votive antiphon for the Creator, R 466rb-va: “How wonderful it is”)

  4. O Pastor animarum (Votive antiphon for the Redeemer, R 466va: “O Shepherd of our souls”)

  5. O cruor sanguinis (Votive antiphon for the Crucified, R 466va: “O stream of blood”)

  6. O magne Pater (Psalm or votive antiphon for God the Father, D 153r, R 466r: “O Father great”)

  7. O eterne Deus (Psalm or votive antiphon for God the Father, D 153r, R 466rb: “O eternal God”)

II. Songs to the Virgin Mary and her Son

  1. Ave Maria, O auctrix vite (Responsory for the Virgin, D 153r-v, R 467v: “Hail Mary, O authoress of life,”)

  2. O clarissima (Responsory for the Virgin, D 153v-154r, R 467vb-468ra: “O radiant bright”)

  3. O splendidissima gemma (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 154r-v, R 466vb, Scivias III.13.1a: “O jewel resplendent”)

  4. Hodie [Nunc] aperuit nobis (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 154v, R 467ra: “Today was opened unto us”)

  5. Quia ergo femina (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 154v, R 467r: “For since a woman”)

  6. Cum processit factura (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 154v, R 467rb: “Although the craft came forth”)

  7. Cum erubuerint (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 155r, R 467rb: “While downcast parents blushed”)

  8. O frondens virga (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 155r: “O blooming branch”)

  9. O quam magnum miraculum (Psalm antiphon for the Virgin, D 155r-v, R 467rb-va: “How great the wonder is!”)

  10. Ave generosa (Hymn to the Virgin, D 155v [incomplete], R 474v: “Hail, nobly born”)

  11. Alleluia! O virga mediatrix (Alleluia-verse for the Virgin, R 473vb: “Alleluia! O branch and mediatrix”)

  12. O viridissima virga (Song to the Virgin, R 474rb-va: “O branch of freshest green”)

  13. O virga ac diadema (Sequence for the Virgin, D 156r-v [incomplete], R 473vb-474r: “O branch and diadem”)

  14. O tu suavissima virga (Responsory for the Virgin, D 156v, R 468r, Scivias III.13.1b: “O sweetest branch”)

  15. O quam preciosa (Responsory for the Virgin, R 468rb: “How precious is”)

  16. O tu illustrata (Votive antiphon for the Virgin, R 466vb-467ra: “Illumined”)

III. Songs to the Holy Spirit

  1. Spiritus sanctus vivificans (Psalm antiphon for the Holy Spirit, D 157r, R 466va: “The Holy Spirit: living and life-giving”)

  2. Karitas habundat [Caritas abundat] (Psalm antiphon for the Holy Spirit as Divine Love, D 157r, R466v: “Love abounds”)

  3. Laus Trinitati (Votive antiphon for the Trinity, D 157r: “Praise to the Trinity”)

  4. O ignee Spiritus (Hymn to the Holy Spirit, D 157v-158r, R 473rb-vb: “O fiery Spirit”)

  5. O ignis Spiritus paracliti (Sequence for the Holy Spirit, D 158, R 473r: “O fire of the Spirit and Defender”)

IV. Songs for the Celestial Choirs

  1. O gloriosissimi lux vivens angeli (Votive antiphon for the Angels, D 159r, R 468rb-va, Scivias III.13.2a: “O living light, O angels glorious!”)

  2. O vos angeli (Responsory for the Angels, D 159r-v, R 468v, Scivias III.13.2b: “O angels, you”)

  3. O spectabiles viri (Votive antiphon for Patriarchs and Prophets, D 159v-160r, R 468vb-469ra, Scivias III.13.3a: “O men of sight—what a sight!”)

  4. O vos felices radices (Responsory for Patriarchs and Prophets, D 160r-v, R 469r, Scivias III.13.3b: “O merry roots”)

  5. O cohors milicie (Psalm antiphon for the Apostles, D 160v-161r, R 469rb-va, Scivias III.13.4a: “O cohort of the guard”)

  6. O lucidissima apostolorum turba (Responsory for the Apostles, D 161r-v, R 469va, Scivias III.13.4b: “O luminous apostles' band”)

  7. O speculum columbe (Psalm antiphon for St. John the Evangelist [Dec. 27], D 161v, R 469vb: “O mirror of the dove”)

  8. O dulcis electe (Responsory for St. John the Evangelist [Dec. 27], D 161v-162r, R 469vb-470ra: “O chosen sweet”)

  9. O victoriosissimi triumphatores (Psalm antiphon for Martyrs, D 163r-v, R 470ra, Scivias III.13.5a: “O victors in your triumph!”)

  10. Vos flores rosarum (Responsory for Martyrs, D 163v, R 470r, Scivias III.13.5b: “You buds of roses”)

  11. O vos imitatores (Responsory for Confessors, D 163v-164r, R 470rb, Scivias III.13.6b: “O actors, you who play the Highest Role”)

  12. O successores (Psalm antiphon for Confessors, D 164r, R 470va, Scivias III.13.6a: “Successors of the mighty Lion”)

V. Songs for Patron Saints

  1. O mirum admirandum (Psalm antiphon for St. Disibod [Feast, July 8; Translation, Sept. 8], D 162r, R 470va)

  2. O viriditas digiti Dei (Responsory for St. Disibod [Feast, July 8; Translation, Sept. 8], D 162r-v, R 470v)

  3. O felix anima (Responsory for St. Disibod [Feast, July 8; Translation, Sept. 8], R 470vb)

  4. O beata infantia (Psalm antiphon for St. Disibod [Feast, July 8; Translation, Sept. 8], R 470vb-471ra)

  5. O presul vere civitatis (Sequence for St. Disibod [Feast, July 8; Translation, Sept. 8], D 162v-163r, R 475v)

  6. O felix apparicio (Psalm antiphon for St. Rupert [May 15], D 164v, R 471ra)

  7. O beatissime Ruperte (Psalm antiphon for St. Rupert [May 15], D 164v, R 471ra)

  8. Quia felix puericia (Psalm antiphon for St. Rupert [May 15], R 471r)

  9. O Ierusalem (Sequence for St. Rupert [May 15], D 164v [fragment], R 476vb-477rb)

  10. Mathias sanctus (Hymn to St. Matthias [Feb. 24 / May 24], R 474vb-475ra)

  11. O Bonifaci (Votive antiphon for St. Boniface [June 5], R 475rb-va)

  12. O Euchari columba (Responsory for St. Eucharius [Dec. 8], R 475vb-476ra)

  13. O Euchari in leta via (Sequence for St. Eucharius [Dec. 8], R 476r)

  14. Columba aspexit (Sequence for St. Maximin [May 29], R 476rb-va)

VI. Songs for Virgins, Widows, and Innocents

  1. O pulcre facies (Psalm antiphon for Virgins, D 165r, R 471rb, Scivias III.13.7a: “O faces fair”)

  2. O nobilissima viriditas (Responsory for Virgins, D 165r-v, R 471rb-va, Scivias III.13.7b: “O noblest green viridity”)

  3. O dulcissime amator (Symphonia virginum / Symphony of Virgins, D 165v-166r, R 478ra-va: “O lover sweet”)

  4. O Pater omnium (Symphonia viduarum / Symphony of Widows, D 166r-v, R 478va: “O Father of all”)

  5. Rex noster promptus est (Responsory for the Holy Innocents [Dec. 28], D 166v-167r, R 472rb: “Our King is swift and ready”)

VII. Office for St. Ursula and her Companions, the 11,000 virgin-martyrs of Cologne (Oct. 21)

  1. Spiritui sancto (Responsory for St. Ursula and Companions, likely for First Vespers, D 167r, R 471v: “Honor to the Holy Spirit”)

  2. O rubor sanguinis (Antiphon in evangelio, likely for the Magnificat at First Vespers, for St. Ursula and Companions, D 167r, R 471vb: “O bloody red”)

  3. Favus distillans (Responsory for St. Ursula and Companions, likely for Matins, D 167v, R 471va)

  4. Eight Antiphons in matutinis laudibus (at Lauds) for St. Ursula and Companions (D 167v-168r, R 471vb-472rb)

    1. Studium divinitatis (Psalm Antiphon at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

    2. Unde quocumque venientes (Psalm Antiphon at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

    3. De patria etiam earum et de aliis regionibus (Psalm Antiphon at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

    4. Deus enim in prima muliere presignavit (Psalm Antiphon for the Benedicite at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

    5. Aer enim volat (Psalm Antiphon for Psalm 148 at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

    6. Et ideo puelle iste (Antiphon in evangelio, likely for the Benedictus at Lauds, for St. Ursula and Companions)

    7. Deus enim rorem in illas misit (Psalm Antiphon for Psalm 149 at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

    8. Sed diabolus (Psalm Antiphon for Psalm 150 at Lauds for St. Ursula and Companions)

  5. O Ecclesia (Sequence for St. Ursula and Companions, D 168v-169r, R 477rb-vb)

  6. Cum vox sanguinis (Hymn for St. Ursula and Companions, D 169r-170r, R 477vb-478ra)

VIII. Songs for the Church (Ecclesia)

  1. O virgo Ecclesia (Votive Antiphon for the Dedication of a Church, D 170r, R 472rb-va)

  2. Nunc gaudeant (Votive Antiphon for the Dedication of a Church, D 170r-v, R 472va)

  3. O orzchis Ecclesia (Votive Antiphon for the Dedication of a Church, R 472va)

  4. O choruscans lux stellarum (Votive Antiphon for the Dedication of a Church, R 472vb)

IX. Four Verses without Music, for Christ, the Virgin, and Wisdom

  1. O Verbum Patris (R 404va)

  2. O Fili dilectissime (R 405ra)

  3. O factura Dei (R 405rb)

  4. O magna res (R 407ra)

SOURCE: http://www.hildegard-society.org/p/music.html#Manuscripts



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Bent, Ian D., and Marianne Pfau. “Hildegard of Bingen.” Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. https://doi-org.libproxy.temple.edu/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.13016

Burkholder, J. Peter, Donald Jay Grout, and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music, 8th ed. W.W. Norton and Company, 2010.

Campbell, Nathaniel M., Beverly R. Lomer, and Xenia Sandstrom-McGuire. “Music.” International Society of Hildegard von Bingen Studies. http://www.hildegard-society.org/p/music.html#Manuscripts