Pauline Thys

Born: 23 October 1835, Paris, France
Died: 5 September 1909, Ixelles, Belgium



Pauline Marie Elisa Thys [Sébault], a French composer and librettist, was born in Paris. Her father, Alphonse Thys, was an opéra comique composer. Thys first excelled at composing chansonnettes and romances for small salon venues, some of which were published by Heugel early in her career. As she ventured into composing larger works for the stage, Thys began writing the music and libretto for an operetta, La Pomme de Turquie (1857). She wrote several more operettas before marrying in 1860. Her marriage, which likely led to a divorce, negatively affected her compositional output for almost 10 years.

Returning to the theater in 1875, Thys premiered Fruit vert and continued composing at least 16 more operas, operettas, plays and opéra-comiques. Many of them were performed at Parisian theaters and, later, in other parts of Europe; Nedjeya premiered in Naples, Italy (1880) and Les Bonnes Bêtes in Berlin, Germany. She was also a founder of the Association des femmes artistes et professeurs and became a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes académiques.

Thys most likely remarried Charles Marque Du Coin because she began using the pseudonym M.Du Coin. Her compositional output was, again, aversely affected by her marriage. She later died in 1909.




La Pomme de Turquie, operetta, 1 act (1857)
Rosette’s aria

Quand Dieu est dans le ménage, Dieu le garde, operetta (1860)

La Perruque du Bailli, operetta (1860)

Le Roi de Cocagne, opéra-comique, 2 acts (1862)

Manette, opéra-comique (1865)

La Congiura di Chevreuse, opéra (1876)

Le Cabaret du Pot-cassé, operetta, 2 acts (1878)

Le Fruit vert, opéra-comique, 3 acts

Nedgeya, operetta (libretto: P. Nemo) (1880)

Le Mariage de Tabarin (French version of her own La Congiura di Chevreuse),      opéra-comique, 3 acts (libretto by Thys) (1885)

Judith, tragédie lyrique


Chanson créole (1856)

Le Chant du gondolier (1856)

Le Souvenir (1856)

Les Larmes sont soeurs (1858)

Ma Pendule (1858)

Les Chants de la sirène (1859)

Six Fables de La Fontaine for solo voice (1861, reprinted 1872)
1. L'Amour et la folie
2. Le Satyre et le passant
3. Les Médecins
4. L'Huître et les plaideurs
5. La Montagne qui accouche
6. La Femme noyée

Tes vingt ans (1861)

La Neige tombe sur nos toits (1862)

Le Pays de Cocagne (1862)

Jeunes filles et papillons (1864)

Qu’en dites-vous, Monsieur Genniès (1862, reprinted 1872)

Quand on est vieux (1863)

Mignonne, voici le jour (1884)

Les saintes missions.
Rentrons chez nous.
La France.
Le coeur d'une mère.
La mouche.
Les demandes en mariage.
Trois fils de l'homme aux portes éternelles.
Déja le soir, sur la terre.
Je veux chanter une femme.
En avançant en âge.
Déja de l'automne.

Les Moissons
Charmant Oracle
Vieux Portrait
Les Larmes Sons Sœurs!
Le Nid sur la Fenêtre
Ma Pendule



“Pauline Thys.” Bru Zane Mediabase.

Sadie, Julie Anne, and Rhian Samuel, editors. The Norton/Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. W.W. Norton, 1994.